Veterinary medicine is a rewarding profession that allows one to help both humans and animals. A desire to help those who cannot speak up for themselves as well as an appreciation for the human-animal bond were motivating factors for me in choosing to become a veterinarian. As a veterinarian, I have had the opportunity to help non-human animals as well as to help foster the human-animal relationship by providing medical care to animal companions. Educating animal guardians regarding the proper care of these animals is a vital part of what I do. In today’s increasingly fast-paced society, many people have become disconnected from Nature. While providing an animal with a loving home is of great benefit to that animal (who might otherwise end up in a shelter or homeless), companion animals also benefit us greatly by allowing us to reconnect with Nature. Indeed, numerous health benefits to humans caring for companion animals have been demonstrated.

I have an interest in promoting the human-animal bond in my practice, as well as to the public at large. I feel that recognizing the importance of the human-animal bond helps improve the status of animals in our society. As a practicing veterinarian, I hope to effectively educate my clients and the public about the proper treatment and care of animals. Once people become more aware of animals’ needs and interests, many of our attitudes and habits regarding animals will change and animal welfare will consequently improve.

Below is a listing of veterinary resources and organizations:

American Veterinary Medical Association

Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association

American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association

California Veterinary Medical Association

California Veterinary Medical Board

Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges